volunteer_interest_form Name (first and last)*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone Number*Email Address*Availability- When can you start and how many hours a week are you available?*How would you like to contribute? Select all that you are interested in (MAC: Hold Command & Click, PC: Hold Ctrl & Click) *Some roles can be done from outside the local area.*Dog Training (I have previous experience)Adoption Coordinator (Coordinate Adoption events, assist with adoption questions)Foster CoordinatorShelter Representative(figure out pull rights and develop relationships w/ shelter coord)Adoption Event Assistants (Help with set up, assisting with dogs, interacting with potential adopters, clean up)Fundraising Coordinator (help coordinate fundraising efforts and events)Web duties (assist with keeping the website current and running the newsletter)Form Assistance (create and update forms)Correspondence: sending thank you emails to our Paypal donors (an hour every other week)Adoption Application CheckerAdoption Home Checker (would be within the area close to your home and you are given guidance and a form)Dog Sitters (temp. fosters and assist when fosters go on vacation)Transportation (willing to help move dogs around using your own vehicle)Grant WritingPhotography (professional quality to showcase our dogs and events)These are just some of the ways you can contribute your time and efforts.What interests you the most about volunteering? Are there any special talents and skills do you have? Δ